
Create a respectful and inclusive organisation by encouraging all staff, volunteers and board members to commit to ongoing rainbow professional development.


How to Learn

Professional development is more than one-off workshops about rainbow people. It means a commitment to ongoing learning and opportunities to improve on a wider systems level as well as an individual practice level.

Equip your staff and volunteer team with the knowledge, skills and confidence to support rainbow people effectively.

Provide ongoing supervision to encourage reflection and growth.

Encourage everyone in the organisation to continue learning about and implementing rainbow best practice. These are rapidly evolving areas of knowledge and it is important to stay up to date.


Equip new staff with rainbow competence

Ensure new staff members undertake rainbow competency training as part of their orientation or induction, or within their first year of employment.


Provide training for all staff

Provide rainbow competency training for all staff. Ensure it is relevant to the work they are doing, and equips them with the resources they need to continue developing their skills and knowledge.


Provide ongoing professional development

Provide ongoing professional development about rainbow competence for all staff to ensure that they remain up to date and continue to provide best practice services.


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