Ensure new staff members undertake rainbow competency training as part of their orientation or induction, or within their first year of employment.

Demonstrate the importance of rainbow professional development by including it as a core aspect of training, and connecting it to other core competencies.

Make sure new staff know that this is a professional expectation, and that the organisation will continue to provide them with opportunities to learn about how best to support rainbow people as part of their work.

How can learning in this area of rainbow competence provide mutual reinforcement of good practice in other core areas of work? Are there opportunities to continue learning in more specific rainbow related areas of knowledge? E.g transgender health, colonisation and takatāpui, intersex rights, disability and sexuality, and so on. Are there new resources or research to share?

Take Action

  • Ensure all new staff have rainbow competency training within their first year, or as part of their induction process.

  • Name rainbow competency as one of the core competencies and make sure you give access to ongoing learning about rainbow related topics.

  • Keep up to date with new research and resources to share.