We host free webinars on a range of topics to do with rainbow wellbeing and inclusion.

You can find & watch our previous webinars on this page, or our YouTube channel. To hear about upcoming webinars, join our mailing list.

Our most recent webinar was the second in our Human Interactions series: Working With the Complexities of Lab Testing Systems

Watch our webinar recordings


Making Ourselves Visible: The Experiences of Takatāpui and Rainbow Rangatahi in Care


Human Interactions: Dealing with Limitations of Patient Management Software


Trans and Intersex Health: Community Support and Patient Centered Care


Why are there pronouns in your email signature? - how language can support respectful environments


Addressing rainbow homelessness with Neihana Gordon-Stables, Nyx Simons, and Tycho Vandenburg


Bodily autonomy - intersex and trans conversations with Jelly O’Shea and Joey Macdonald


Working with rangatahi takatāpui with Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and Kahu Tumai