Find ways to evaluate the rainbow competence of your organisation. This may be part of a rainbow action plan or part of regular quality improvement processes.

As an organisation or individual, do you receive feedback from service users, and do you include questions about how they would rate your rainbow competence? What are the mechanisms needed to ensure that feedback or complaints are recorded and fed back into a quality improvement process?

One simple evaluation process is enabling staff to evaluate their experience of rainbow training. Are there also ways you could track changes over time, in regards to staff developing best practice or the organisation offering increased support for rainbow initiatives?

Using the Evaluate tool is one way to evaluate the organisation and see where some improvements could be made. How will this feed into a rainbow action plan? Or into a long term strategic commitment to improving the wellbeing of rainbow people?

Take Action

  • Evaluate the progress of your organisation by undertaking regular rainbow audits and other forms of evaluation as relevant.

  • Survey staff members to understand their attitudes and knowledge about rainbow issues.

  • Consider the mechanisms that could be created to ensure survey responses or other complaints/feedback will be connected into ongoing organisational development and planning.

  • Ask for evaluations and feedback from everyone who uses your service, and include questions that enable service users to evaluate your rainbow competence on individual and organisational levels.